TouchMath Tutoring Programs
TouchMath is a multisensory math program that makes critical math concepts appealing and accessible for students who struggle to understand grade-level content. TouchMath is committed to maximizing student potential through its worldwide delivery of hands-on math programs, cultivating success with individuals of all abilities and learning styles. It is the only multisensory math program that uses the numeral itself as a manipulative.
TouchMath bridges the gap between concrete experiences and abstract concepts, reinforces number values, eliminates guessing, dramatically reduces student errors, and aids in memorization. By making math fun and accessible, TouchMath gives students confidence and inspires them to reach their academic potential.
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Students enjoy a multisensory math experience while keeping their attention focused on their papers. Older students and students with learning differences can use TouchPoints as a portable, invisible tool for as long as needed. Students arrive at the correct answer without guessing. TouchPoints help develop comprehension and memorization.
The TouchMath program uses visual cues such as arrows, boxes and dotted lines to guide students to the correct answer and promote good habits. Visual cues help to develop left/right directionality, reduce number reversals, understand place value, and simplify and clarify all areas of computation.
At Servidio Education Solutions, we make sure that word problems and strategies to solve them are addressed as part of the program. We have found that TouchMath tends to focus on the skill at hand which is incredibly important, but there isn’t an emphasis on word problems. We have created our own program to make sure that word problems are also a high priority. We ensure that all of our students are equipped with the strategies they need to solve multistep word problems and to be able to pick out the important information.